The Unique Features of JavaScript Arrays

The Unique Features of JavaScript Arrays


2 min read

Storing elements of different types:

In JavaScript, arrays can contain different types of data types such as numbers, objects, strings, or boolean

let arr = [1, "3", "hi", true, null]

Array methods :

unlike String, Array is mutable. we can modify the array as per our requirements.

JavaScript arrays contain built-in methods by which you can easily manipulate the array. many programming languages do not have built-in methods and they have to write the code to manipulate the arrays.

built-in methods are:

There are so many array methods in JavaScript but here I listed a few common methods

  • Push()

  • pop()

  • shift()

  • unshift()

  • sort()

  • every()

Sparse Array

sparse array means an array that contains mostly undefined or empty elements with only a few non-empty elements.

Let's say you have declared an array of 10 elements, but you have only defined values for the first 4 elements.

let arr = [1, , , true,"array",null , ,] // here the array is of length 8 but we have defined values for four elements only

Dynamic Size:

In many programming languages, arrays are fixed in size, which means that once you have declared the size of an array, you cannot change it later on. However, in JavaScript, arrays are dynamic in size, which means that you can add or remove elements as needed.

let arr = [1, 2, 3]; // Declare an array with three elements

arr.push(null); // Add a fourth element to the end of the array

console.log(arr); // Output: [1, 2, 3, null]

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